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yeast/bacteria in cocker ears and feet

19 16:45:48

I have had my female cocker for a couple of years now.  She was a stray and a mess.  It has taken years to get her looking good but and I say but...she has chronic ear and feet problems (yeast and bacteria).  Just when I think, wallah...she's on the road to recovery, she has another outbreak.  I have seen the vet numerous tons of times.  I have used epi-otic for the ear and animax ointment for both ear and feet.  I keep the hair trimmed inside the ear and around the feet and paws.  I have had her on a vegetarian food hoping that would help.  My poor girl is miserable.  Thought I would contact you before I make a return trip to the vet.

Susan...I need to know exactly how your vet diagnosed her...did he do a tape or scrape skin cell test?  What meds did he put her on?  Dosage & length of time?

Have you tried an antihistimine?  Is this limited to ears & feet?  How often do you bath?
With what?

Please stop the vegetarian diet.  What do you normally feed?

What I suspect is that your vet has not put her on enough antibiotic and not for long enough.

Also - she should have had a thyroid test.  Has that been done?  It's the very first thing a vet dermatologist would do.