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potty train

19 17:00:30

6mo old female tricocker,gets excited everytime someone arrives or one of the family members call her to them she act like she has done something wrong and drops her ears and butt and pee"s,but yet,goes to door and rings bell.never poops in house,its very confusing.what to do. thanx

This isn't very clear, Bob but I'm assuming she piddles when excited or when she's called?

The piddling when excited is something she'll outgrow but in the meantime tell anyone who's "arriving" to pay no attention to her.  Don't look at her - talk to her - or pet her.  Just sail right past her.  If she piddles, say nothing and just clean it up.  It's involuntary.

Do some training (outdoors) with "Come".  Make a game out of it with a treat and praise.  Get everyone in the family to do this. "Come" should always be associated with a good thing for her.

NEVER say "come" if you're correcting.  And since this little girl seems quite sensitive, don't ever raise your voice when you do have to say NO.

Be patient.  It sounds like you've done a wonderful job with training so far and your girl seems eager to please.
So for the moment, ignore the involuntary piddling and work on making "come" a positive experience for her.  My guess is someone along the way has called and punished.

Until she gets it, try not to call her in the house but when she does come to you on her own, then say "come" and give her a treat.
Best of luck,