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Adopting a 7 year-old cocker

19 16:52:29

We are adopting a seven year-old cocker spaniel from its original owner.  He is well-trained, beautifully socialized and healthy. His human family includes a husband and wife and 2.5 year-old son.  The wife is pregnant with twins, hence her decision to give him to a family that can give him the attention he deserves.  We are a family of four, and my two children are 9 and 11, and thrilled skinny about getting this little dog.

I am wondering how traumatic it will be for him to be taken away from the only family he has ever known.  He is very attached to the woman in his current household.  Will he be able to bond with us after all this time?  What steps can I take to help make the transition easier?  

Also, how many more "healthy" years can we anticipate?  He seems perky now, but I am concerned about losing him too soon.

Thanks v. much,


Do these people live far from you?  If it's possible, why not do the transition gradually or, at least, take him for a day - return him, and see how it goes.  Have a couple of "visits" first.

If he's a stable dog (and it sounds like he is) you shouldn't have any big problems.  Most dogs will adjust quickly but I'd take him during a time you're going to be home a lot.  Remember - it's all new and he doesn't know how to get out..where his bed is..what's expected of him.
So be patient for a few days.  If you're concerned, write me!  Letting him sleep with one of the kids would be good.

How long do they live?  Well, my first cocker lived to be 17 :)  Good nutrition (not supermarket food), lots of exercise and you'll have many years to enjoy him.

Is this your first dog?  If so, you'll have lots of questions and if it's your first cocker, even more questions :) - don't hesitate to write!
Best of luck,