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white spots on fur

19 16:56:19

My 4 year old cocker spaniel has had epilepsy sense he was a year old, he is on phenobarbital and potassium bromide and just has attacks occasionally.  My question is that in the past month he has developed white spots in his fur on his back.  I this related to his epilepsy or the medication?

Thank you Cindy

What I suggest, Cindy, is that you read up on epilepsy in dogs (it's the same as in humans) to help you know if your vet needs to check him more often (blood tests for kidney/liver values)
and to ensure these meds are working properly.  There are other anti-convulsant meds if the pheno isn't quite doing the job.

As for the white spots, I confess I'm flummoxed by that one and couldn't find a mention of it anywhere.

You might be interested in trying acupuncture too since a lot of vets are finding it helps with seizure activity.

Sorry I can't help more but I doubt this is anything serious.