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rescued cocker-girl

19 16:59:51

QUESTION: We are fostering ( sure,like we wouldn't keep her) a year old cocker from a shelter. She has had a hard first year, but is so sweet and loving and I am committed to giving her a new/ happy life. I have read alot of your advise on skin itching. She itches all of the time, everywhere and anywhere. I am trying to help"corrrect" the habit by redirecting her behavior,throwing a ball, moving her head, calling her to come etc. I have had her only 2 days, and already she is responding to "no" and touch when scratching. I have noticed she itches more when stimulated; throwing a ball/playing etc.She will stop and itch, even with the ball in her mouth. could the itching be nerve related? I will be feeding her holistic canned food..even thought I bought her a bag oh Calif. Natural kibble. I hear you about the high carb. I do like the firm stool that dry produces. Would you suggest I mix half and half or go directly to canned to try and get this itching (allergy) under control first? I will also try the salmon oil and vits. We haven't walked her yet, I just want her to get used to the house, big back yard etc. But will do so. I have owned cockers for 40 yrs.(that is 3 cocker who grew old with me) who are now gone, So I do know their odditities. I have never rescued one before so this may be a challenge. We will love her and do our best. Thanks Linda

ANSWER: What will happen with "re-directing" is that she'll just do it more when you're not around.  this isn't a "habit" - she's trying to relieve the itching by scratching.

Now as far as what's the problem - get her off kibble.  Yes, you can use a bit but the high carb content does exacerbate skin problems.

First I'd like to know what flea control she's on?  I do recommend Revolution since it deals with fleas/mites/some ticks/heartworm
in one product.

I'd certainly give her a bath in a nice gentle oatmeal/aloe/neem oil shampoo and then a 10 minute soak in Aveeno colloidal oatmeal.
It comes in a box with packets of powdered oatmeal.  Use one packet in a full bathtub of "just warm" water. Readily available in most drugstores.  Do not rinse off.

When you bath - the rinsing is even more important than the shampooing so when you think you've rinsed enough - do it ten more times with tepid water.  Hopefully you have a shower stall with a hand-held gizmo.

Don't do salmon oil and vit e without instruction.  What you buy is important.

So give her a bath and an oatmeal soak and let me know if that offers some comfort.  I'm assuming a vet has checked her for parasites?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, I will bathe her tonight. I neglected to mention that we live in Utah ( above 4600' altitude) we do not have fleas here. She was checked out by a vet, ears are clear, and no other buggy-bugs. She has no visible red spots, rashes, bumps or anything; just incessant itching! I am going with the allergy theory for now. How long before I mifgt see results? Linda

Linda, I'd like to hear the results of a bath and oatmeal soak before going any further.

You're not wrong to think "allergy" with cockers and I can help with antihistimine trials and other supplements that can help.

But..first things first.  Let's see if a bath and soak offers relief.
And the primary thing "right away" is relief - not a total answer to why...but getting her comfortable is a top priority.

The more she scratches - the more she itches.  And get her off kibble.

You sound like a good owner so feel free to write me directly at - way faster.