Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > max


19 16:56:54

well max is doing really good we still have the leash biting problem but its getten better and hes finally going out side to peepee and poop is still not so good takes really long to do we walk and walk and walk for long hrs but he goes i guess when he cant hold it any longer ..but i have one question for you im not sure why he does this and i like to know if u know he goes to the tree about a block away from us and he starts to smell but i mean like he wont stop and if i say come max he ignores me is there a reason for him doing this he tends to do it only in certain areas in my neighborhood i am wondering is there a reason is it that hes picking a spot to poop or if theres another reason well i really appreciate ur help in understanding my dog i tried to find books here where i live its funny no1 carries any so its kind of hard to understand ome of his behaviors....he is a well behaved dog too just would like to know why he does some of the things he does and better uderstand him ....irma

When he does go, are you praising a lot and rewarding with a treat?

Please do NOT let him off leash in the city.  One "mistake" and he can get hit by a car.

As for the tree sniffing - it's what dogs do.  It's how they tell who else was there and they like to mark their spots too.  So yes, they'll often go in the same spots.

You're better off taking him outside "often" as opposed to one long walk.  When you see him signalling he's looking for a spot...THAT is when you start commanding "go potty".  It won't take long for Max to associate the command - action - and praise & reward.