Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > 10 week old puppy nipping people and wont stop

10 week old puppy nipping people and wont stop

19 16:45:49


I have a 10 week old cocker spaniel puppy that I've had since he was eight weeks. His socialization is coming along great, and he loves people; he's only met one other dog, because he hasn't gotten the rest of his shots until he is twelve weeks. My puppy gets excited and chews on people, literally. I've been trying to break him of this by telling him NO very firmly and giving him a chew toy, which he loves. However, I have neighbors that think he is the cutest thing so after I say NO to his biting, they wiggle their toes at him for him to chew on and just undo everything. I finally got them to stop, but he still goes to bite their toes. He will cuddle with us and bite our hands, and he even bit my husbands nose. This has got to stop! He gets plenty of exercise, running around, playing with his toys, and following us up and down the stairs all day. I don't know what else to do!

So substituting a chew toy & saying NO works?  Let's leave the neighbours aside for the moment.

I'd like you to try something and let me know what happens.

When he chomps on your hands try a whimpering, crying "Ouch".  I want to know how he reacts once he knows he has hurt you.

And yes, you're right, this has to stop because it won't be funny or cute very soon.
Not to worry though - it's pretty normal for his age and I have a few tricks up my sleeve :).