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How do I get my spaniel to stop pulling when we walk?

19 16:58:24

Pulling - it makes walking Max a nightmare. Please tell me how to overcome it and help him to walk with me , not drag me along.

Also, Max has a brother about four months younger. We have just moved to a new house - now they're starting to really fight, well, Max is attacking Guru. How do we get it to stop?

First tell me what type of leash you're using - how long Max gets walked and how much general training he's had?  The first thing I'd suggest is taking him to a dog park (a safe, fenced in dog park) and let him get rid of all that pent up energy.  I'm betting if you then snap his leash on and walk him it'll be far better.  A lot of behavioral problems are caused by boredom and pent up energy.

One simple thing to do is when he pulls - stop.  No chat - just stop.
When he stops pulling - move on.  Repeat endlessly :)

I'd also suggest taking him to training classes.  There are various collars you can use but you need a professional to teach you HOW to use them.  If budget allows, having a trainer come to your house for some one-on-one lessons would be great.

Now..the fighting.  How old are these pups?  And what are the fights over?  Food?  Toys? Territory? Are they both male?

Some "scuffling" that looks like fighting is simply play but with young dogs (like toddlers) it can escalate.  I have a few tricks to stop this but I need to know the particulars and how far it goes.
Meaning - has Max ever bitten Guru? I don't mean a nip - I mean a real bite. Does Guru fight back?  Is it always Max who institutes things?

Think of it this way - you've probably seen two human toddlers playing, laughing, screaming and having a great time.  Then suddenly someone is in tears because it got out of hand.  The same is true with young dogs.  So the alpha dog/parent steps in and disciplines/corrects.  No yelling or anger, just a calm, firm correction and it's over.