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Dosentt like my husband

19 16:58:23

My family got a 3 month old male cocker spaniel two weeks ago. Initially the dog appeared to love all of us. Now, he yelps, cries extremely loudly and snaps at my husband when he attempts to take him outside for a walk or out to go pee/poop. In fact, the dog won't even go poop unless I am at home. I don't understand as, my husband has a gentle way about him and is constantly offering praise and treats to the dog. I on the other hand ignore it, for the most part as I don't want it to think I am the pack leader. But now I find the dog constantly at my feet and follows me everywhere I go. The dog is wonderful with my children and only shows this aggression and fear toward my husband.

What can we do to improve this situation? as, my husband was the one who wanted the dog in the first place.

Without realizing it, you have been behaving like a pack leader :)
Your husband has been showering the dog with affection & attention but you make the pup work for it.  So he adores you.

This can easily be adjusted and I'd advise a trainer to fix the whole situation quickly.

Generally I'd advise only your husband feed the dog and he doesn't get food unless he obeys a "sit" command.  He shouldn't "offer" praise and treats constantly.  He's trying to win the dog over and the dog should be doing that.

Any display of temper should be nipped in the bud right away.
At his age - get down on his level - STARE into his eyes and say NO in a quiet but firm/threatening tone.  Do not break eye contact. Continue saying NO.  When the dog breaks eye contact, you win.

When puppies in a pack annoy/disobey the alpha dog you'll hear a very low warning growl and then "the stare".  The puppy instinctively knows to back off.

Another thing your husband can do is put the pup's short leash on him and let him drag it around with him..when he is ready to walk the dog then just pick up the leash with a "let's go".  No chat - no treats - no coaxing -just go.  Ignore any objections.  When he's out and does his business, then brief praise and a treat.

Also when your husband arrives home - do NOT immediately give attention to the puppy.  Ignore him for 10 minutes.  Alpha leaders give attention when THEY choose, not when it's demanded.  Which, I'm betting is what you do :)

Tackle this seriously now and it'll be history within a week.
Let it go and it can escalate into a serious problem.
Do write with any other questions.
Best of luck,