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house training cockers

19 16:55:11

QUESTION: Hello Delores. I'm having a bit of a problem with house training. I've spokenen to you before regarding this. I keep saying I'm doing everything right. It just seems to me my puppy has back tracked. She has been pooping and peeing in her crate at night. She has been free of doing that for more than a month. Nothing has changed. Let me give you our daily routine. At 6:30am she is taken out. She then eliminates maybe even twice and given a treat and praise. She is then back in the house and feed at 7:00. She is then taken back out at 7:45 or 8 Depending on what time she finishes.she is given treats and praises.  She is then in the crate at 8:15 till 2:30. I get home and we go out again she eliminates and given treats and praises.  She is back inside and given her food and water bowl and crated until I pick up my son and neice from school.We are back home at 3:30.back outside and then she is allowed to roam free. At 4:30 we go for out walk and we are back at 5:00. We then take turns taking her out every hour or two hours. She still manages to poop and or pee on my floor. Thank God for me having hardwood floors. When she eliminates in the house she is scolded and made to sit on her bed until it is cleaned up. I don't take her outside until she is caught in the act. My question is What am I doing wrong? What can I do? Is there other ways I can train. I'm willing to do anything.

ANSWER: You don't say how old she is and that's important.

But are you using a command "go potty" or whatever phrase you choose?  The idea is to connect the command - action - praise & reward.  Take her out - watch her carefully - and when you think she's about to go, give your command.  Otherwise she has no idea what she's out there for

She's spending an enormous amount of time in a crate and I'd suggest trying some "puppy pads"
and leaving her in a confined area.  Depending on her age, she just can't hold it in a crate for that many hours.

I'd also like to know what and when you're feeding her?  How many times a day?

The most important time for walks is shortly after eating - after napping - after playtime.
You don't say when this usually happens and I'm betting there's a pattern.    Also, she's not getting enough exercise and this helps enormously.  1/2 hour late in the day is the bare minimum for a young dog.

I can see you're taking this training seriously (which is great) but I think there's a problem with "timing" and this pup is confused and spending WAY too much time crated.

So tell me when this "usually" happens and let's figure out how to make things clearer for her.
And don't despair :) - just when you think you've got it all aced, they can have an accident.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello. Roxi is 3 months. Yes I do use a command every time she goes. She's gotten a lot better since I last asked a question in fact we've been missing her cues. She jumps on us and makes a lot of noise to let us know when she has to go.  I have started walking with her more. I agree, I feel as though she's in her crate too long as well. Now puppy pads.. I thought the whole idea was not to let them poop or pee in the house at all. If I start using the puppy pads or newspaper. (I plan to use newspaper) how will I stop her from pooping or peeing on the puppy pads and doing it outside. I'm confused it seems a bit backwards. Now food, I am  feeding her Avo Derm.That was by mistake. I tried to buy it after reading what you told me to buy. About time I got to the store I forgot the name. I guess that was the closest one :( yes I have beat myself up over that every day. It wasn't until a week or so later I went to a different pet store and saw the name you spelled.  I also have a question about Zymox. I order it from off line and I would like to know how or when I should use it. How will I know if Roxi has an ear infection, will I know she will need her ears cleaned. Is the cleanser something I will just use regularly? Thank you!

ANSWER: At this age their bladder control is not super. She simply can't hold it for 8 hours. That's why I suggest the puppy pads "for awhile".  This gives her direction and the pads actually have an odor that attracts them to going in that spot.  I'd surround it with newspapers.

Housebreaking goes in stages.  It's most important to "train" which means taking her out - giving the command - praise & reward.  Dogs want to please but if they're confused they simply don't know what you want.

Now, the Zymox.  The cleaner you use as you would any cleaner.  Do you know how to clean ears?
That's question number one :)  Let's start there.  And yes, you will use the cleaner regularly but every cocker is different.  I have one that needs ear cleaning weekly.  The other - once a month.  You'll start out cleaning weekly and if all is well - extend that until you figure out her particular ears.

So order the cleaner and the Hydrocortisone-FREE med since that's what you'll need 95% of the time.  A small bottle of the 1% hydrocortisone med is handy too in case of very red/inflamed or swollen ears.

Just get it - let's go over how to clean ears - what to watch for and I'll explain when to use meds.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you! The ear solution arrived today. I have zymox otic hydrocortisone free solution. I also have the Zymox ear cleanser.After reading over the directions I'm sure I can handle it.  

Glad you got it.  The directions seem clear...but...use the cleaner as you would any cleaner.
The med, however, you do NOT clean out of the canal.  Do wipe the inside of her ear flap though.

I've found if I do get more than a bit of stain after cleaning, a couple of daily cleanings will often take care of it.  If not, go to the med.

And never use any other ear product with the Zymox.

Also - I use the square cotton pads instead of a cotton ball.  Fold on the diagonal into a funnel shape and you can get further down there.

If you ever find she gets really inflamed/swollen ears, then go to the 1% hydrocortisone med but only for a week (or less).  Once the ear calms, go to the hydrocortisone-Free med.