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Housebreaking Cocker Spaniels

19 17:04:15

My family adopted my mom's 11-year-old Cocker Spaniel in late
November, moving him from California to Virginia.  He had
never been well housebroken, but we bought a crate and he's
been doing well (no accidents) while confined to the crate when
we're away from the house.  He seems to enjoy the attention of
2 kids to play with (2 and 6 year-olds) and the busier household.  
He was going a week or so without accidents, then my mom
visited after New Year's and he began to have accidents.  He gets
up each night and pees in the kitchen, even if I wake up and let
him out in the middle of the night.  I hate to crate him almost all
the time, but I'm beginning to be near my wit's end with him!

Eleven year olds do not adapt well to change.  I am sure your mother's visit reminded him he had to make adjustments he would not understand why.  I would go ahead and crate him at night.  He is mostly going to sleep, and the crate will confine him keeping him from stimulating himself and needing to urinate.  Likely he sleeps much of the rest of the day when nobody is around to play with him.  So don't feel too bad about crating him then too.  It is good that at his age, he adjusted well to the crate.