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spaniel ear infections

19 17:04:33

I have 2 spaniels one is a cocker,female,2 yrs old
buff and white,very happy pup,smart as a whip. she has had 2 heats ,also has hipdisplaysia. how soon will I have to get her spayed,or do I have too?
 #2  other dog is a field spaniel,9 yrs old female. She keeps getting a re-occuring ear infection---just in one ear --my husband and I have been battling with this infection for almost 6 mnths. It will not go away,why does she get this in one ear,only?

Hi Gail!
Thanks for your questions.
#1. If you don't plan on breeding your 2 yr. old female I would strongly suggest spaying her. It is for her own health benefit. She will have a lesser chance of cancer of the reproductive organs. It also means you don't have to worry about the possibility of unwanted puppies.
If you do want her to have puppies, she is at an excellent age to begin. However, I suggest you don't let her breed more than once a year. Let her body have a chance to recouperate. Summer puppies are always easier than having them in the late fall or winter.

#2. My male cocker has the same problem that your field spaniel does. My only suggestion is that the vet will give you a salve to squirt into the infected ear that seems to give them some relief for a few days. As to why it reoccurs the only answer I have is that since the spaniels have long droopy ears, air doesn't get into the canal. This causes a build up of moisture, thus producing bacteria. Regularly clean his ears with a cotton swab. You can purchase ear cleansers at the vet or a pet store. Since your spaniel has had this for six months, if you haven't already, I would take him to the vet immediately. He may have an underlying cause other than infection that should be treated.