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Cocker spaniel peeing in house

19 16:45:16

4 months ago I got a 4 year old cocker spaniel bitch from a well known breeder. When we went to pick her up she peed on the breeders floor and I put it down to excitment. I was told she was house trained but she pees in the house if I leave the back door open all day she will go outside to pee but with in the hour of shutting the door she pees. I take her up the garden every hour and she pees in the right place and gets lots of praise for going. She is crate trained but she just pees in it when I put her in it. She has had pups before I got her and is not spayed.she lives with another dog who is elderly and is finding it to cold with the back door open all day. Because of her peeing she has to stay in the kitchen and therefore so does my other dog. She gets 2 long walks a day and played with and also has treat balls to keep her happy she don't mind being left and is a happy little dog she does chew objects she finds but other than that she is a really good dog but unless we can sort her peeing out she will have to go back to the breeder as we feel it is unfair keeping her in the the breeders she was out in a run during the day and in at night. I hope someone can help.thanks

Kat, I think your girl may have a urinary tract infection.  So take her to the vet and rule that out (but I'm pretty sure that's the problem).  A round of antibiotics will clear it up.

I'd also chat with the vet about getting her spayed.

So let's do that urinalysis first.  Let me know the results.