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American Cocker Spaniel

19 16:47:50

We have a seven year old, she is a great gal and we love her, but she doesn't do well with children that are small. Also she goes after other dogs and wants to bite them when the other dog tries to play. She is the only pet in the household.  I hear she is an Alpha dog. She jumps on people and she won't listen. My husband feeds her no matter how I feel about it and when we go somewhere she is at the table and it annoys others. My question is how do I break her of not going after other dogs and children? She growls at me if she goes out of the yard and I tell her to get back in the yard or if I try to make my bed and ask her to get down she growls but not always. Please I need advice my sister inflow is frustrated that she keeps going after her female dog that is four.

         Thank You

She's seven and this has been left a long time.

How does she "go after" other dogs?  Does she run loose?  Dogs that have issues need to be on leash.  Is your backyard fenced in?  When does she see your sister in law's dog?  What are the circumstances?

If your husband continues to let her beg at the table, you cannot train her not to do it.

To help, I need more information.