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wetting inside

19 17:03:28

I have become a proud owner of an 11 week old cocker .  His behaviour is generally good and he is getting the hang of asking to go outside when he needs to wee.  However, I have begun to realise that he is used to me or another member of the family going out with him.  The other day I opened the door when he asked and he ran out, the area he goes to is not far from the door.  I carried on doing my jobs indoors, he came back in after a minute or two and weed right infront of me! What do you suggest?

Likely you need to continue to go out with him for a few more weeks and make sure he moves around enough to stimulate his body.  Be sure and praise him both for going to the  door, and urinating outside.  Some dogs seem to need 2 tries to empty their bladder.