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Cocker Spaniel Puppy Underweight

19 17:00:49

Hi, I have a female cocker spaniel puppy that I was told was born on June 14.  
After doing a little online research, I found she should be about 12 - 14 pounds
by  now.  She is only 6.6 pounds, though.  She eats her meals, gets plenty of
exercise and is very friendly a playful - is it possible her birthday is incorrect?  

Diana, you're right and she should weight approximately 12-14 lbs. so obviously her birthdate is incorrect.
Hopefully you didn't get her from a pet store?  And hopefully are feeding a premium food chosen with her breed in mind?
Is there any way you can contact the source?  It's important for puppy vaccinations, etc.  Did they provide you with vet papers?  Vac certificates?  Anything certifying her health?  If so, I'd call that vet because someone has made an error here.