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Red Bumps on his belly

19 17:03:37

Help! I have the same Colby 2 years old has big red bumps on his belly. It itches him like wants to do a biopsy but I was hoping to research is this is normal. I don't want to put him on antibiotics because he's often on them for his ear infections. Also, if it's a weak immune system...anything I can do ..vitamins of some sort???

Sounds like what a few of my puppies had.  My vet said their immune system hadn't kicked in yet, and prescribed antibiotics and cleared it right up.  The reoccurring ear infections could be due to a weak immune system.  

If most of Colby's calories are coming from a dog chow, he should be getting all the vitamins he needs.  If you are supplementing his diet with table scraps or modifying it otherwise, he would be better off skipping the vitamin pills and eating a dog chow and little else.  They are carefully formulated to provide exactly what dogs need. Most dogs will thrive on most modern chows, and don't need anything else.