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Excesive peeing, bad breath, bad teeth

19 16:58:58

We adopted this old little cocker after she was trown in the trash.
She is old, about 8 yrs. old but has had a very hard life.
We have recently moved.
She has started to cough... again... her teeth are very bad. I am afraid to havr them cleaned due to the fact that they have to put her under general anesthesia and she is not in that great of health.
We have given her medicine and it will go away. She has had this once before.
Now she is peeing in the same spot in the house. She keeps on doing it... Even when we are in the house. We put her outside and she will pee 4 or 5 times in a row. This morning she peed in the closet. On the carpeting. Yes very bad... Now she just peed downstairs under the coffee table and just peed behind me about 10 minutes ago. She just went into season. But she has been doing this before. She has actually gotten inside the house when we have left her outside and peed in the same spot. She has pooped there a few times, But not as much as peeing.
I need help, she can't be peeing all over the house when i am here, and i don't want to leave her outside all day.

You need to take her to the vet as soon as possible.

The excessive urination could be due to a urinary tract infection so the vet will do a urinalysis.  A round of antibiotics will clear it up if that's the case.

the vet will also do a full blood panel to check her general health before doing any dental work.

The dental is important because bad teeth can cause other serious health issues.

so please get her to the vet and don't let this go on.  General anesthetic is very, very safe these days and, as I said, any good vet will do preliminary bloodwork.

But, for sure, get a urinalysis done immediately.  Today.

And bless your heart for taking her in !  