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My cocker spaniel Busybody

19 16:58:57

We just got a new dog called busybody and he dosen't eat easly and he dosen't drink much.What should I do???

Congratulations on the arrival of BusyBody :)

Now what I need to know is this:
1.  How long have you had him?  Where did you get him?
2.  Are you feeding him what he's used to or something new?
3.  Does he know yet where his water bowl is and is it always full?
4.  How old is he?

If this is a brand new (couple of days) dog - then I'd put him in the kitchen with his food and leave him alone for a little while.

I don't know where you got him but if he's an adult rescue then it's going to take weeks for him to settle in.  Be patient with him and try to stick to a schedule.

So write back and give me the information I need to help and together we can calm Busybody down and get him eating.