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peeing problem

19 17:00:24

QUESTION: My family's cocker spaniel, Brandi tends to "piddle" a lot and by piddle I mean pee whenever we say her name in a high pitch voice. She is a female cocker and she is not spayed. Nor do we plan to spay her.  It's like whenever we simply say Brandi she pees on us. the vet said it is just her being a puppy but i don't think it is just that. He also said that it would only last for a little bit but it hasn't. In addition to that, she is getting blisters "down there"

ANSWER: I don't have enough information.  How old is Brandy?
Why don't you plan to spay her?  What does your vet say about the 'blisters" (this sounds like infection)?
Is she housebroken and does this only happen when you call her?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she is about 6 months old.we don't want to spay her because we want to breed her with another cocker.we have not asked the vet about her possible infection. should we? we also think she is in heat too.she is is not only when we say her name. by the way i would have written more but i didn't have any more room

Kylee, your pup needs a vet visit for these blisters.
Absolutely not normal.  Sounds like an infection.

If she is in heat, do not EVER let her out except on leash.
Never, ever leave her outside alone.

I'd really advise you to re-think breeding her since this is really best left to responsible, professional breeders who understand health issues and lineage.  And going through heat after heat is very hard on a dog - plus, by spaying (and she's at the perfect age) you're eliminating the big chance of mammary cancer later on.

So please take her to the vet asap for the blisters and do talk to your vet about spaying her.  If she is in heat you'll have to wait but I doubt she is at 6 months.

As far as the "nervous piddling" goes - your vet is right.
Lots of puppies do this and it usually does go away in time.
Don't punish - just clean it up and try to avoid the situation that causes it.  She's not being bad - it's involuntary.  I'd hope your vet checked her for a Urinary Tract Infection - very common in puppies.