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Toilet Training Poppy

19 16:57:01


I have a 7 month old black cocker and she isnt house trained. She goes on newspaper in the kitchen and if i move the newspaper she will go in the new spot so i tried the newspaper outside in the garden but she just wants to play. She can hold her bladder really well, she has a wee before bed on the paper and she has no accidents in the night. I take her outside before she has a chance to go into the kitchen she still wont go - we can be outside for an hour and she will just wait until she goes back in the house. Help!!

You need to start from Square One.

Make this a priority for about a week and here's what to do.

First choose a command "go potty" or whatever you like.  Use the command BEFORE she goes.  Then praise and treat.

Don't take her out to the yard - put her leash on and do a 10 minute walk (or until she goes).  Lots of enthusiastic praise and a treat.

Do this first thing in the morning (with breakfast afterward) and every few hours all day long.

It doesn't take a 7 month old long to connect the "command - action - reward".  

When only the yard is possible - snap her leash on and take her out.

She actually is housebroken and is doing exactly what you've taught her to do so now you have to teach her something different.