Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Cocker Spaniels > my 3year old american cocker spaniel named Lilly

my 3year old american cocker spaniel named Lilly

19 16:54:53

She just had another seizure. Her last one was i year ago. The first one was very intense. She was not responsive at all. This one she just had it lasted about 2 min. and she was not able to get control  of her back legs for 10 min. She was sleeping when it happened. Do you know what could of caused the seizure?The vet does not know why!She is my baby,please help.

Kristina, can you tell me what tests your vet ran?  Did he test for epilepsy?  Did he run a thyroid panel?

Be sure you put gates up at any stairs.

And can you give me her medical history?  Has she had chronic ear issues or skin problems.
Is she on any medication?