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Flaky Skin Rash

19 17:00:23

My Cocker has a skin rash, the scabs that are flaky.  I just moved from NC to FL and and not sure what he is having a reaction to.  The vet has given him steriods which I hate and also an antibiotic.  The antibiotic cleared it up but it gradually comes back.  The vet said he could be allergic to anything!  Who knows but he licks them all the time and I don't want to put him on medication forever.  Any ideas?

Most family vets will, unfortunately, reach for the steroids. works...for awhile and then you're right back where you started.  No more of that !!!

I need some more information.  How old is he?  How long has he had this?  Do you connect it directly to the change (although NC and Florida are not very different)?
What are you feeding him?  What is the condition of the rest of his skin?  Does it "generally" look dry/flaky?
Where on his body are these scabs?  What antibiotic was he on?

And yes, I have ideas.  If you can answer my questions I think I can help him.
p.s.  Did the vet run a thyroid panel?