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minimun age to take a cocker spaniel litter

19 17:00:05

what is correct age in terms of weeks to take a cocker spaniel puppy and what to feed a 4 week old cocker spaniel puppy

Hi Neeta, a four week old puppy Should still be feeding from its mother, at five weeks it should slowly begin being weened onto solids, this can be Goats Milk weetabix Puppy food really watered down to mash.
The earliest a puppy should be taken from its litter mates and Mum is seven weeks the general rule however is eight, some breeders wont let their pups go until ten weeks, but the average is eight. If you are trying to hand rear a four week old puppy you really need to seek veterinary advice, as it still needs its mothers milk to build up its immune system. Please message back with more information and i will try to help you further.