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The love of my life, my cocker spaniel Nixon.

19 16:55:22

My beautiful blue roan cocker spaniel, bred with a male that has a couple different breeds in him, he's a little bit bigger then a jack russell but he looks like one. I was told he was a feist and has jack russell in him. I'm not very happy about this, seeing as how the dog dug a hole under my fence to get in my yard while Nixon was playing outside. I'm wondering what the chances are that her puppies will look like her. I'm very worried about this. Please help me put my mind at ease. I need to know how to determine what these little puppies will look like.  

When a female dog is in heat she can't EVER be left out alone even in a fenced in yard.
This is what happens.

There is no way to determine what the puppies will look like and there's no point in worrying about it. I'm sure they'll be very cute :).   I do hope you'll talk to your vet about having Nixon spayed.  Going through heats is very hard on her and spaying will considerably reduce her chances of cancer later in life.

In the meantime you need to learn how to care for her during pregnancy.  
So have a chat with your vet.