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14 month Old Cocker House TRaining plus chewing and everywhere! Sad story been in kennels

19 16:56:48

QUESTION: Hello. Hope you can help. When we moved to Spain over a year ago we adopted 2 pups, one a 4.5 month bitch cocker and 2 months later a 4 month old Golden Retriever. Due to unscrupulous solicitor we had our life savings taken and had to return to UK. The dogs had been vaccinated but not blood tested and we have waited 7 months for our girls to come back, having been in kennels in Spain with excellent and kind kennel owners. The Golden we have no problems whatsoever, in fact she is eve a bit lazy for a young dog The cocker is barking at everything that moves, stays by my side constantly ( then she relaxes)but is up on worktops, into bins and chewing everything she can, even though she know it is not her toy and worse I can take her out to walks and she will wee, put her in the yard and sometimes she will wee, but mostly she wees inside the house. Have picked her up, taken her outside, shown her where to go, leave the door to yard open all day so she has access but still the same problem. It is early days as she has only been back with us for 3 weeks but she seems more adamant than ever for mischief. If I shut her into the kitchen she cries and scratches all night and then the Golden gets upset as well and joins in. I do appreciate that the kennelling has affected her and don't know the best way to help her overcome her stress and behaviour. We now live in rented accommodation with carpets throughout except the kitchen area and needless to say, things are getting rather unpleasant, as much as I scrub and clean the same continues. Am in tears over what to do next - scared we will be removed from house by landlord if he discovers the state of the carpets. If given a chance to dry out properly then carpets are still OK but we are at our wits end. We love her so. Hope you can help. Debs

ANSWER: I need to know how much exercise both these dogs get daily.  Both your dogs have obviously been traumatized by the 7 month kennel experience (even though the kennel is good).

Re the cocker and excessive urination - please get a urinalysis done by a vet because she may well have a urinary tract infection.  This is so common and has to be ruled out.  Just get a urine sample (first morning is best) and zip it into the vet or refrigerate it until you can.  No need to take the dog.

Both these dogs need at LEAST an hour's walk daily.  Exercise is a primary need and I can't tell you how many behaviorial issues are caused by boredom and pent up energy.

they've been I'd ask why not let them sleep with you or in your room.  That's their "pack" and it would help a lot with the anxiety.

Last year we adopted a 3 1/2 year old cocker from a Rescue who was anxiety ridden.  Even my trainer (who is VERY strict) said "let him sleep with you or in the room".

You may have to start from Square One with housebreaking and THAT means not "putting her out" but taking her out...reward and praise..every few hours.  They forget all they've learned in a kennel situation.

so what I'd advise is LONG walks - get that energy dissipated - teach housebreaking as if you're dealing with a puppy - let her sleep with you or in your room.  When dealing with anxious dogs - routine is your friend - so feed, walk, quiet time should all be on schedule.
And exercise - excercise !  A tired dog is a good dog.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Delores, Yes they get 3 walks a day for at least an hour at a time plus chasing the ball at the same time. They sleep on my bed with me every night. Was only the once I tried to contain them in one are due to the weeing and took them out of kitchen area after an hour because they would'nt settle without being by my side. Do praise them when they do business outside every time and have had them both checked over and sampled at Vets. This was done as soon as the returned to UK with me. Will continue with the house training. It's just the cocker who can't seem to get it into her head that peeing is for outdoors and to wait rather than go when she feels like it wherever. I do as I say leave the back door open for them to use the yard if they need to. So, Mika can go out for a nice long walk and may or may not do her business as she may have lready just been in the house. How do I get her to associate the business with walks and outside only? Thanks Debs

So your cocker has had a urinalysis done?  Are you sure?

Then back up and start housebreaking from the beginning.  Also - praise is nice but a treat will reinforce it better.  Do both.

When you're out - confine to kitchen.  When you're home, have her short leash on her so you know exactly what she's doing.  Do you have a command you use?

The trick is to anticipate and when you're out with her and see she's picking a spot - start giving the command "go potty" (or whatever) and when she does go outside, lots of praise and a cookie.

If you can, make housebreaking your top priority for a week.  You'll have to take her outside, not put her out - wait until she goes.
Use command - praise & reward.  She'll soon connect the command-action-reward.  Take her out every few hours.  

In other words, put her in a position where she can't make a mistake.