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Year old Spaniel - He seems bored!

19 16:56:48

I got Charlie from a pet adoption 8 weeks ago. He is house trained, gets two meals a day and snacks, knows some commands - sit, stay. I walk him multiple times through out day. He is the most walked dog in the neighborhood. Went for a 3 mile run yesterday and still had lots of energy!  The problems 1. Charlie will play bite hands/feet when done with chew toys. Hop on myself or husband when we are seated in chairs. 2. Charlie will bark when in crate - only sleeps there or when we leave the house. in crate during day for four hrs max only.  3. Charlie wants to hop on every visitor 4. Charlie will only stay in the yard if he can see you otherwise he will bark until you appear. 5. Charlie needs constant attention!  He is scheduled for his 1st dog training today .. but I need he to be calmer, follow instructions, and enjoy time alone sometimes.

I'm so glad to hear he's going to training classes.  What he's doing is typical of an untrained puppy.  Not his fault.

The good thing is the amount of exercise you're giving him - that's terrific !

Now, the training classes will help you learn how to teach him but I can give you a few shortcuts for correcting his most annoying behavior - like biting hands & feet.

The first "serious" word Charlie needs to learn is NO with a resulting bit of unpleasantness if he doesn't stop.  

So buy a plastic spray bottle at the supermarket and fill it with water.  Make sure it's on "spray" and not a stream of water.

When he nips - say NO and spritz him in the face.

Dogs just hate this and it doesn't hurt them at all.  Just one NO - spritz and then ignore him.  If he comes back at it - do it again.
Not a lot of chat - one command and a result for Charlie.

Let me know how that works - and I can help you with the barking issues too.  But do understand he's still a baby - and a spoiled baby :) - so this training is going to take some time.  And a lot of this behavior he'll outgrow.

But first let's teach him that NO is something he needs to obey :)