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nervous pee

19 16:59:43

My puppy is 7 months old and was doing really well with potty training and did not have a large problem with excited peeing.  However a couple of weeks ago he was neutered.  Since then he seems to pee whenever he gets excited and this happens often and frequently.  

I know you are not supposed to "do" anything about this but how long does this take to outgrow or did his surgery negatively impact his ability to hold it?  Is this something we should have checked?

As far as I know his surgery wouldn't affect this.  However, I'd call your vet and discuss it.  I'd also take the precaution of having a urinalysis done to make very sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection.  Unless you're absolutely positive this is "excitement"
and has an obvious cause.  If he piddles while playing with you, for instance, then a urinalysis is in order.  This isn't serious and a round of antibiotics will clear it up.

Don't forge he's still young and will outgrow this very soon.
In the meantime, take him out often.  Mostly this happens when guests arrive so ask them to walk right by him - no chat, petting, or even eye contact.  This brings down the excitement level for him.

Best of luck with the little guy.  