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bassett hound skin problem

19 14:50:03

My basset's skin is very red under his arms and under his neck. It almost looks
like chafing from his collar and harness. I only use those about an hour or so a
day and it is off the rest of the time. He was treated for yeast but it really had no
effect. Any Suggestions?


If he had a yeast infection and the medication didn't work, he'll need to go back to the vet.  If it's chaffing from a harness, don't use a harness and treat the sores with vit. E oil.  If it's causing chaffing, it's not the correct fit or tool for his body.

There are many different styles of harness, some that don't go under the armpits.  You may also want to look at a halti head collar rather than anything that goes around his neck.