Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > arrival of new puppy to the home we already have a 6 year old basset at home.

arrival of new puppy to the home we already have a 6 year old basset at home.

19 14:50:24

We decided to have a new puppy who is 7 weeks old.  Thinking it would be nice for Troy to have as a companion.  They are both male.  Can you suggest the best way to socialise the boys.  Troy who is 6 years old gets very bouncy around the puppy and I am scared he will jump on top of Hugo.  When Hugo goes into play with Troy Troy then  growls and barks at the puppy.  Should I be introducing them in another way? Can you suggest anything.  I don't want to upset Troy or Hugo.

Hello Joanne,

Sit in the floor with them and let them check each other out, and be there to referee any rough play.
Troy in set in his ways and is not thrilled about the "excitement" of a new hyper pup.
He will warm up to him.
Give it a little while and they will be playing together in no time.
