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Basset Hound Concerns

19 14:50:18

I have a 2 year old basset whom I love very much but I am ready to scream with the problems I have been having. I do realize that I am the one who most likely needs the training but can you help me with a couple of issues I'm having? Anyone?

1) Why do bassets whine so much? What is a good way to alleviate this problem? No matter what we are doing, he is whining.

2) Why does my basset eat other dog's poop?

3) My basset is still having accidents in the house. I kennel him in the house while I'm at work. Should I be kenneling him at night as well?

4) Will another dog/basset help with separation anxiety?

5) I keep food out for my dog all the time because he is so skinny. I worry that someone will think that I am neglecting him. What is a good way to help my underweight basset gain healthy mass?

Hi Stephanie,

I'll answer your questions in the order asked, ok?

1.  Bassets don't whine so much...YOUR dog whines so much :)  Can you explain it better?  Is he tipped back, howling at the ceiling or is he just making noise?  What do you do when he's whining?  Is it really all of the time or are there certain things you can think of that cause it?

2.  Because you let him.  It used to be thought that dogs were missing something in their diet when they ate's also thought that it's a natural instinct as a wild pack's leader would eat poop as to not leave a trail for predators.  Who knows?!  If he's eating poop on walks, that's your fault.  If he's eating poop in your back yard, why is there other dogs' poop back there?  No fence?  If that's the case, you need to put him on lead and walk him out to potty.  As soon as he looks at poop, you give him a correction and walk past it.

3.  Then he's not potty trained correctly or he has a medical condition.  See a vet to rule out any kidney problems and then go back to potty training 101.

4.  Nope.  Only proper exercise will do that.  9x out of 10, starting a proper exercise program will alleviate separation anxiety.  Another dog won't make this one less anxious, and why would you want to add one when you current has so many issues to get over?

5.  You need to just the opposite.  A dog that is free fed (left out all day) isn't worried about eating because it's always there.  Feed him twice a day...split his food into 2 meals.  Put the bowl down for 20 minutes (the same 2 time every day).  The bowl comes up after 20 minutes no matter what.  Don't might take him a week or so to get used to this new arrangement.  Who has told you he's underweight?  Most people's idea of a Basset is a dog who's belly drags on the floor...this isn't the case.  Do you have photos you can send me?

If you respond to night, I won't be able to answer until tomorrow...I'm heading to work. :)  I'm more than happy to continue to help you through this.