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bassett housetraining

19 14:49:35

I have an eight year old female Basset Hound named Molly. She is a great pet. Not such a great companion but a great pet and we love her. She weighs about 50 pounds, was spayed, and has been relatively housebroken until recently. For about the last three or four weeks she has made our dining room and our master bedroom her personal toilet. At first we thought it was because she was angry about being left alone for a few hours but has now started to mess in the house while we are home. Sometimes within an hour of returning from outside. Is there a medical condition i should be aware of or are there any training tactics i could try. She hasn't been crated since she was a year old and i would hate to do that. Dont get me wrong i will. Please HELP???????

Hi David,

There are several medical conditions which could be involved.  Kidney stones, urinary tract infection, senior incontinence...any change in behavior (especially a drastic change in toilet habits) should be checked out with a vet.

A urinary work up is warranted.  If that comes back clear, please let me know and we'll discuss training techniques.  Please do first rule out physical problems.