Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > smell


19 14:49:30

I have a bassett hound and no matter how many times i wash him he always seems to have a bad odor the next day.What can i do to fix this problem or is there a solution?

Hi Mike,

Bassetts, like many hounds, produce an oil (think ferret) which enables the smell to 'stick' around for longer.  There's really no remedy other than to bathe him.  That said, he shouldn't be bathed more than about 2x a month or you run the risk of drying out his skin.

I use dry shampoo for mine, baby wipes and in the winter I'll put some Gold Bond powder in his armpits :)  

He shouldn't smell horribly the day after he gets a bath.  Mine smells like corn chips after about a week.  I would be concerned about a skin condition if he's starting to smell so quickly.  You may want to get him looked over.