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my 1 yo male basset

19 14:50:03

Hi there -
about a month and a half ago I rescued a 1 yo basset male.  I was told he was 'housebroken' however i have found he is not completely housebroken.  usually he is good and will get a treat outside after he pees and poops.  but occasionally he will squat right in front of me and pee in the house.  also, he was not crate trained and we have been working on this since he came home.  he will soil his crate when confined while my son is at school and I work, which is from about 8 am till 315 pm.  He will pee, not poop, and I am wondering if he cannot hold it this long. he is not neutered, but is scheduled next wednesday for surgery.  I will def. have his vet evaluate him for bladder kidney problems at that time.  do you have any suggestions.  Also, we have a real hard time getting him in the crate, and then he shakes so could it be an anxiety problem.  I try to make it as pleasant as possible and have told my son not to chase him when its time to put him away.  he will not follow a piece of lunchmeat into it, he is too smart.  please help.

Hi Cara,

Your first problem, housebreaking.  Unfortunately, not all rescues are truthful.  Other times, the foster parents are on a different schedule than the adoptive family so new problems can pop up.  While dogs do adapt, it makes it easiest for everyone involved if the dog is rehomed into a similar situation ie., non-working families, full-time employed families, etc.

The best thing you can do for him is to treat him like a new puppy.  Take him out after he eats, drinks, sleeps and plays.  Take him out every hour besides.  Clip on his lead, walk him to one area in the yard and tell him 'go potty'.  Continue on with your treating and praising.  Even a house broken dog needs to learn the rules of a new home.

If you have bedding in his crate, remove it.  Bedding will soak up urine and make it more comfortable for the dog.  If he's forced to be near his urine, he may not like it as much.  Be sure that you aren't feeding him or watering him before you leave for the day.

Crate training a year old dog can be difficult.  Do you have a kitchen you can confine him to?  With hard floors?  Might be a better option.

If not, the crate should be a good place for him.  Feed him his meals in the crate (with the door open).  Toss treats in the cage for him, put his toys in the cage, etc.  Some people find it easier to clip a lead on and walk the dog into the cage.  Your going to have to get inventive. Periodically when you're home, put him in the cage for 5 minutes and then let him back out.  When he goes in and comes out, don't make a big deal about it.  Stay calm and quiet.

Do be sure that the vet checks him out and good luck!