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Daphne and excited peeing

19 14:49:25

Is it common for basset hounds to have a problem with excited peeing the more I try to pay close attention and figure out what our issue is, it seems when she whines and I say do you want to go potty then she gets excited runs around whagging her tail, I have to carry her because of stairs and before I can get to her she is peeing. If she sees my other dogs get excited, she gets excited and pees.Is this common with bassets or maybe just a puppy thing?  THANKS AGAIN, RACHEL!!!!!!!

Hi Rachel,

It's not necessarily a trait common to BH's.  :)  It's a submissive thing...actually called submissive urination.  Your more submissive puppies display the behavior.  (Could I say submissive one more time?  lol)

She'll grow out of it.  :)  What you can try to do is not get overly excited with her.  Try to grab her BEFORE you ask her if she has to go potty...chances are you won't get peed on...unless just grabbing her excites her as she knows she's about to go outside.

I've had dogs grow out of it rather quickly and one that didn't stop doing it until he was about 18 months old...and sometimes still does if he gets crazy excited.  

It's really not a big deal...don't let it bother you.