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Potty training

19 14:50:10

I have a 3 year old Basset and now a 10 week old.From reading your past questions I won't use papers anymore so he won't think it's ok to leave his puddles. My question is he's been getting to a point in the evening when he's peeing every 5 minutes, literally. I don't know if he's playing and really tired or what? Also, much time should he  have out with us and his older Brother? Does he need more time kenneled while we're home? or should he be out with was?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for reading past answers!  :)  If you're confused about the paper training and the reasons why I think it's rubbish, I'll be happy to discuss it with you.

I'm guessing that you have been paper training...yes?  He's probably peeing every 5 minutes because he can.  Unless he has a medical condition, he's not emptying his bladder completely (boys always have a reserve).  Because you've been allowing him to go inside the house, he really has no reason to hold it.  Does that make sense to you?  Part of putting a dog on a house-training schedule, beyond teaching them to 'go' outside, teaches them to hold themselves.  He should be able to physically hold himself, at this point, for about an hour (reliably)...he's only just developed bladder control.

Let me explain what I mean a bit.  After he eats, drinks and plays, he should be taken out w/in 10 minutes.  After you're sure he's gone completely, barring any of those activities, he should be able to reliably not soil the house for about an hour (probably more but to get you used to taking him out we'll go for the hour).  So say he eats at noon.  You take him out at 12:10, he pees and poops, he doesn't eat or drink anything else, let him out again at 1'ish.  

Once you start to do this with him, you'll also notice his cues.  Right now, he doesn't have to give you any.  When he realizes that potty is outside, he'll begin to give you some signals...turning, sniffing, restlessness, etc.  It'll be up to you to learn them.  ;)

I'm not quite understanding your question about kenneling.  Are you trying to crate-train him for the future when he's alone?  He doesn't need to be crated while you're home, aside from crate-training.  The more social interaction he has, the better adjusted he'll be as an adult.  If you can be a bit more clear in what you're asking, I can help you better.  I don't know if he needs more time kenneled...I don't know how often he's kenneled now.  ;)
