Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > garments


19 14:50:10

My basset has rubbed his testicle sack raw. We just moved out to the country.
He is rubbing on the snow, twigs and what ever. is there a protective garment
available he can wear? How can I prevent him from licking them( It seems to be
Making the problem worse)?

The only thing I can think of that may help are the diaper pants for females in heat.  You can find them at Petsmart, Pet Supplies, Petco, etc.  They look like little denim diaper covers.

If his testicle sack is raw and it's continuing to be irritated, he needs to see a vet.  He may give him some antibiotic ointment and fit him with an e-collar so he can't get to them.

Good luck!