Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > May have to put our Basset Hound to Sleep

May have to put our Basset Hound to Sleep

19 14:49:53

Out 5 year old Female Basset Hound "Roxie" has a large tumor in her mouth coming from her gums  Is is not cancerous according to the biopsy but may be of an aggressive type any how.  She may be a candidate to have it removed but we we told by a local university vet. school/clinic that it would cost between $2000-$2500.  I am out of a job now and we just do not have that kind of extra money.  We don't want her to suffer and are wondering if there is any financial assistance you may be aware of.
Otherwise we may have to put her to sleep so she doesn't have to live in pain or on painkillers.  She is already on them and is having difficulty eating due to the tumor.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Torre,

I'm sorry I can't give you more of an in depth answer to your question but the only thing I can suggest would be to do a google search.  There are organizations out there that assist people with veterinary care, however, many have income requirements and applications.

I would google 'veterinary cost assistance'.  You may also want to google for breed specific assistance as there are some breeds' rescues that set funds aside to help people with high cost veterinary bills.

Another suggestion would be to call around to local vets and get prices or find a vet that will take payments.  Often times 'country' vets are lower in cost than those in major cities/suburbs.

Good luck!