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Bassett Hound Pain in front leg

19 14:50:09

My Bassett Hound Duke is 9 months old.  He slipped on the ice Monday and has been limping on his front right foot for 3 days.  His pads are intact.  I am a P.T. and in my best guess it appears to be similar to a sprained wrist in a human.  We have an anti-inflammatory left from when he injured his SI joint.  We started to give it to him yesterday, but I do not want to hold off vet care for too long if needed.  What time frame should I give him before taking him in.  We are carrying him on the stairs and on/off couches.

Hi Maureen,

While I appreciate that you're a PT, you know what they say about assuming.  ;)  He doesn't necessarily need vet care but if he is still limping 3 days later, he def. needs at X-ray.

It's possible that he's damaged/torn a ligament.  If not treated soon enough, as I'm sure you know, these types of injuries can worsen and become either irreparable or extremely expensive to operate  on.

The vet may very well prescribe just as you've been doing, rest, anti-inflammatories, etc. but better to be safe than sorry later on.