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Babys hernia

19 14:49:36

Advice please! I have a 10 week old basset by the name of Baby. She has a hernia and I am wondering if this has any affect on her housebreaking process. I've checked with a vet and was told she could not have the hernia taken care of until 20 weeks old. I am trying to housebreak her. I take her outside and she will go #1 and #2, and we come back inside. 10 minutes after being back in the house I find her going #1 on my rug! She just went 10 minutes ago! Does the hernia have anything to do with her urinating so frequently?


It's doubtful that the hernia has any effect towards the frequency of her urinating...I've never heard of such a thing.  You could always put in a phone call to your vet to be sure.

This sounds like a problem with your housebreaking methods.  If you can give me her food/water schedule, how often she's crated and her potty schedule, I can give you some guidance.