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basset hound killing rabbits

19 14:49:32

I have a very sweet 4 year old basset named Maggie.  She has recently started to kill rabbits in our backyard.  I know it is probably normal for her, but how do I get the rabbit out of her mouth?  She runs with it & turns VERY VERY vicious when I try to get it away. She did the same thing with squirrels last year.  She NEVER once showed any aggression & never does; except with this!  Thank you

Hi Diane,

The obvious answer is to not let her kill the rabbits but good luck with that!  :)

She's becoming so vicious because she prizes these things above all others.  They're special.  

I would teach her a good release or drop it.  Basset's are hunting dogs so she's only doing what's natural for her.  You may want to find a trainer that actually teaches hunting skills to dogs.  A good dog (hunting wise) has a very ready release.  They're supposed to bring the prey TO the hunter and drop it.  :)  She's not caught onto this yet.  A trainer will give you some good tools/tricks to use.

If you can't afford a trainer or can't find one, teaching her a drop it with toys will help a bit.  You can also find some rabbit scent on the 'net and put some on a towel or stuffed animal and practice with that to make it more realistic for your situation.

If you google 'NILF' you'll find some great articles on this training method as well.  It enables you to become a pack leader whom she will be more inclined to listen to.

In the meantime, you may want to keep her on a long line, or at least supervise vigilantly, while she's outside so she can't catch the rabbits.