Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > Stubborn basset mix

Stubborn basset mix

19 14:50:01

QUESTION: We recently adopted a schnauzer/basset mix from the humane society.  He is 2 1/2 years old and very sweet and loving.  He is housebroken.  The problem we are having is on walks.  Several times on a walk he will stop and plant his feet.  Nothing will get him to budge.  When he does this in the middle of the street we pick him up and move him to the side.  How can we get him to continue walking after a reasonable amount on time?

ANSWER: Hi Susan,

How often a day are you walking him and how long does it take before he starts planting his feet?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick reply.  We walk 3 or 4 times a day.  He plants his feet when we try to change direction, usually 10 minutes or so into a 20 minute walk, and now he does it at the end of the driveway on the way in.  Sometimes he just does it for no apparent reason.

Answer problem :)  Thanks for the extra information.

There are a couple possibilities.  A few actually.

1.  He could be bored with the walks.  You can try changing directions of travel...if you always turn right out of the drive, turn left or go straight (whichever way you can go).  Go to the park instead, drive to a baseball field down the street...see what's in your immediate area.

2.  He may not be comfortable with what you're using to walk him.  My Basset can't wear a collar as it chafes his neck.  He has to walk on a harness.  One style of harness I had thought was nice rubbed his armpits raw.  Changed the harness and he was good to go.  

3.  You may not be walking with purpose.  Think 'power walk'.  What many people think of a walk is more like a stop and sniff.  Put your shoes on and GO GO GO!  Keep the leash in proper positioning (if you need help let me know) and move!

4.  You may be walking him too much...he could just be plain tired.  Try walking him twice a day for 20 minutes at a time.

5.  He may be generally lazy, perhaps didn't get taken for walks before you, maybe just never learned how to walk properly.  Dogs like this may need motivation to move in the form of treats until they learn what's expected of them.

It could be one of these things, could be several.  Do any of them seem like a possibility with your guy?

I understand why you have to pick him up if he dead stops in the street but try to avoid this.  It soon will turn into a reward based behavior (I stop, I get picked up)and you def. don't want that.  :)

If I can help you further, let me know!  :)