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Aggression toward other dogs

19 14:49:25

I adopted a 4 yr. old female basset from a rescue and was told that she had to be an only dog in the household. she is, and is a total love with people. She is aggressive to any dog, anywhere. We went to obedience class and it was awful as far as her growling and acting threatening to other dogs. She was a mother in a horrible puppy mill so who knows what happened before we had her. Any advice? I have not tried a muzzle - really don't want to. It's just getting to be nerve wracking to take her for a walk. Thanks for any advice.

Hi Pat,

I would love to help you but aggression of this magnitude needs to be evaluated and treated in person by a trained canine behaviorist.  Your veterinarian should be able to give you a reference.

In the meantime, with my dog aggressives, I've exercised them either early in the morning and/or later in the evening when people weren't out walking their dogs.  If you take a couple days and pay attention in your vicinity, you should get a feel for the best times for you to do that as well.  

If you live in an extremely busy neighborhood, get creative.  Find a bike trail, a ball diamond, a camp ground...somewhere there aren't a lot of dog walkers.  If you have no choice but to walk her around other dogs you may have to fit her with a muzzle.  In the long run, it's the kindest thing for her.  (Depending on your area's definition of a vicious dog).  If she bites another animal (or a person) she could be taken from you.  You should be able to find your local ordinances online.

Chances are her behavioral issue comes from a severe lack of socialization.  Bitches in puppymills are nothing more than breeding machines and aren't raised to be proper adults.  To socialize her now, in her current state, will only put undo stress on her.

I'm sorry that I don't have any magical suggestions...I would love to give you some.  I know how stressful living with an animal aggressive dog can be.  Truly, the best advice I can give you is to have her professionally assessed.