Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Basset Hound > stinky basset

stinky basset

19 14:50:02

I have a 7 month old male basset and a 2 year old beagle.  They are both mainly inside dogs.  I have noticed when they are outside they STINK when they come back in.  How do I fix this problem and why do they stink so bad?  They are very clean dogs!

Hi Suzanne,

I don't have ANY experience with Beagles so I'm not sure why he would smell but my Basset gets to smelling like stale fritos every now and again so I can help you there.  :)

Bassets, as well as other scent hounds, produce an oil much like a ferret does.  Ever smelled a ferret??  Ugh!  You may notice that your guy's armpits get a brownish stain to them now and again...this is due to the oil they produce.

Because I don't want to ruin his skin, Dudley (my BH) gets a good bath every 2 weeks and wiped down daily with a baby wipe.  I pay special attention to his armpits, ears and chin as these are his parts that tend to smell the ripest the soonest.  They do make pet bath wipes but they're much more expensive and don't work any better than a good old baby wipe.

Aside from that, try to peek at them when they aren't aware.  They could be rolling in things...mulch, clippings, even poop...yuck!  If that's the case, then you'll want to work with them behaviorally.

I should think the wipes would help with the Beagle as well.