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New basset hound

19 14:49:55

I currently received a basset hound on 7/23. She is about 6 or 7 years old. The people who had her before me only had her for about 4-5 months. SHe seems so happy and we leave her at home when at work  and my family (husband and 3 kids) give her so much attention when we are home.
She hasn;t ate anything. Well, she did have 2 treats. I kept her on the same food the people before me and still nothing. The first day home with us she pooped in the house. The second day she pooped. Someone told me some basset hounds do that when moved to a new home.
But my question is " Is it normal for her not to eat.?" Should i keep her food down all day for now till she starts eating?


No breed of dog poops in the house when they move into a new home.  It is not specific to Bassets, Labs, Pitbulls or Chi's.  Any dog that you bring into your home may or may not eliminate inside.  Dogs, especially seniors, are normally potty trained and it's up to you to learn her cues.  Dogs will circle, sniff, hunch, posture, whine, pace...when they need to go out...each dog is different.  You need to get it figured out because if you let it go on too long you'll be essentially permitting it and she'll develop a habit.

A healthy dog will normally not starve itself.  If she doesn't eat for more than 3 days she needs to be seen by a vet.  She could have something seriously wrong.

Don't leave her food down all day.  If it's available all day, she'll be able to pick at it and you won't know if she's eaten.  Give her the proper amount either once a day for 20 monutes or do 1/2 and 1/2 twice a day for 20 minutes.  If she eats, pick up the bowl, if she doesn't eat pick up the bowl.  Make sure to feed her at the same time each day.  Dogs do much better with a routine.