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dog bark

18 15:53:41

My neighbor keeps her two dogs outside all day long on their leashes. I went outside thismorning to take my dog out and the oldest dog was barking funny. It remided me of when my children have a really sore throat and become hoarse. Can that happen to dogs?

Hi Pam!  Yes, dogs can become hoarse from barking too much and for too long.  Your neighbor should seriously reconsider leaving her dogs out all day.  Dogs used to be wild animals, but we have domesticated them.  They no longer are used to all of the elements outdoors, like rain, the cold, heat, sunshine...they can develop pneumonia out in the rain and cold, and they can get dehydrated and heat stroke from the sun and heat.  They also can strangle themselves by getting caught up in their leashes.  While dogs do enjoy the outdoors, they have become domesticated, which means that they are house pets.  If your neighbor does decide to always keep them outdoors during the day, there are protocals that she needs to abide by.  The dogs need some sort of shelter to protect them from the elements, water and food available at all times, and a fenced in yard.  If these things are not provided, animal control can and will (if notified) fine her and/or take the dogs from her.  
I hope this helps,