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Dog is vomiting in middle of night.

18 15:08:31

My dog is waking up and vomiting in the middle of the night. He is still eating. I am at a new house and my dog is eating the same dry food he has always had. After he vomits he goes back to bed. The vomit seems to just be food as its the color of the food he ate. I havent changed his diet and he seems so excited to eat. this has been happening for about 3 days.

Your dog is a bit stressed over moving it seems. Strange surroundings are a bit unnerving to pets.
It sounds like he is really eating too fast and then his nerves make it hard for him to digest his food.

One thing you can do is elevate his food bowl with a box. This forces them to eat more slowly. Another thing is to spend as much time with him as you can and not leave him alone for long periods if possible.

If the vomiting continues you should have him looked at. Depending on his age (which you didn't include) he could be experiencing other problems such as kidney or liver issues.

A good exam and blood workup will determine if this is just stress related or not. If it is, then your vet can give him some medicine to take the edge off as he adjusts to him new home.

Please let me know how he does in the next few weeks.