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Cat acting strangely......

18 14:22:29

My cat Fae has been actinng extremely weird since she last went I to heat. Fae is about 1 year and 5 months old, I caught her from the wild when she was about 1 1/2 months old, so yes she is feral. My cat and I have grown very close and she used to be very loving. However since she last went into heat she has been acting extremely weird. It started while she was in heat and has continued since. She had a couple fits while she was in heat where she freaked out and has been acting strange ever since. She acts very hostile and irritable sometimes. She growls and hisses when I'm just petting her or moving her. She has been moving fine so she doesn't seem hurt. This is very unlike my cat, she is usually so loving towards me. Them there are other times she has no problem when I per her. I have noticed she gets more irritable when I pet her stomach or close to her back end. So my question is what do you think is the matter with my cat Fae?

There is a very easy cure to help Fae feel better. Call your vet and get her spayed right away.

There is no reason for her to be in heat over and over, so please call the vet today and schedule an appointment for her. You will both be very happy when she comes home.