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Skilter for 30 gallon saltwater tank

25 9:35:25

Hello again Glen,
I have what I hope will be my last technical question about setting up my 30 gallon saltwater tank.  While trying to decide on which filter and protien skimmer I should buy I came acroos something called a skilter.  The describtion says it is both a filter and a skimmer combined.  I am looking at a 250 gph model.  Would this work with my tank or would I need a bigger skilter?  Also, Does this unit amply replace the filter and skimmer or will I still need another skimmer unit?  Thanks for all your advice so far.

Hey jerry,
Ive never used one personally. I have heard good and mixed thiongs about filter/skimmer combos. That being said, it would seem to me that as long as there is adequate flow and aeration to the skimmer portion of the skilter it would be a good piece of equipment. Looking at the design of the skilters, that doesnt seem to be the case. Now in a system your size, you could be ok with one and save money. I personally would opt for separate units though, you'll get better results if you plan to upgrade down the road or carry a heavy bioload(large community). Let me know how its going!