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mysterous snail

23 15:18:06

I have a red slider turtle . I've had him since he was the size of a quarter now he's the size of a man's hand.recently I've noticed a little snail in the tank. At first I thought someone was playing a joke today like always I cleaned his tank nothing was there. Five hours later I find a tiny snail in the water. How can this be I use tap.water.... Deb .

This may sound odd, but are you sure its a snail.
Pretty much goes if you have one snail, you have alot.
Did you put any plants, new rocks, etc into your turtle tank?
live food?
New anything that could have come in contact.
The other possibility is that it may look like a snail but is not.
I would need to see a pic if you have one.
It would seem that whatever it is it is not harming the slider
so I would not at this time be overly concerned.